Monday, February 10, 2025

The Baron of Latiz (12)


Samh 08.21.1339 11:37

Baron Valanthus was so delighted by her good-natured humility that he could hardly keep himself from jumping up and celebrating this small accomplishment. It had been torture this morning when he had to stand by and not be her champion before Kieron. Admitting she had been wrong was such a big step it seemed to warrant some kind of celebration. However, he knew such raptures would be unsuitable for a man Silvergor’s age.

“Madam, what use is our reason if we chain it up when we most need it? If you had not stifled your inner logic, I know it would have shown you Colonel Kieron’s villainous designs. It would have told you how much he desires your body and that the only love he has for you is to satisfy his own bestial desires. He wants to rob you of all you have that is good and leave you to the world, which would finish the misery he began by pitying you and despising you as long as you live for falling for one like that who wears his true intentions on his sleeve. It is true, Madam, that you have a fortune and that would keep many from talking about your shame to your face.”

He turned to her and looked into her beautiful, brown, innocent eyes. 

“When I was young,” he continued. “Men were taught to value a lady for virtue, modesty, and honor. I confess those are unfashionable qualities but they are still valued ornaments. Give me leave, Madam, to go a little further,” he said taking both her hands in his and closing his eyes a moment as he savored their warm softness. Then he continued with what he felt was his duty. “I must tell you how misfortunate you have been by being left so long to your own choice of company. Your good nature and lack of experience together with a greedy desire for flattery, which, pardon me madam, is a weakness, has encouraged such a heap of vermin about you. These men should shouldn’t be allowed to live except that by doing so it gives us a better idea of the brave, the just, the honorable, and the honest men.”

Amoranda had tears in her eyes. He leaned forward and allowed his lips to brush her forehead, causing his heart to race. The bell rang for lunch, and he released her hands. Holding them had taken away his urge to hold and comfort her. They stood, and he followed her in to eat. 

He wondered how long it would be before she saw through his sham costume and threw him out of her life again. It was very difficult to help her learn to control her passions while he struggled to control his own.

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