Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Baroness of Surli (9)

Samh 1.19.1345 13:34

The first sight of the burnt and broken citadel caused Juliabella to gasp. 

“Are you okay?” Count Talrederick asked.

She clamped her lips together and nodded her head. A single tear disobeyed her and leaked from one eye. The citadel was a mess. Although the inner hold had only the scars of battle on it, fires still burned in the rubble from some of the buildings that were no longer standing. The western wall was now a gaping hole. Dead bodies were being piled in neat rows. She hoped her husband’s household had withstood any attacks better than this. 

When the ultra-helio landed she ran to her family’s home. The soldiers had told her that her daughters had made it back and were in as good of condition as can be expected for all they had gone through. Still, she wanted to see them and confirm this.

Apparently, Osarina had obeyed her to the letter and lifted off exactly at 19:15, injuring two soldiers in the process. These soldiers were already transported to the Anorraq War Infirmary and expected to fully recover soon. She was relieved that no one had been seriously injured and proud that her daughter had listened. 

Her parents’ home was modern and looked as if a saucer-shaped ship had landed on top of a two-story dojo. To her relief, it had not been targeted during the attack. As she burst through the outer gate they always left open, she smiled. Even the wisteria growing all over the outside of it looked unscathed. 

As soon as she arrived at her parents’ doorstep, she felt the pain start pounding in her ribs with every breath. Either the medicine Count Talrederick gave her was starting to wear off, or she had overexerted herself. Upon seeing her children all pain was momentarily forgotten until they hugged her, and she unintentionally cried out. Her mother immediately helped her to her bed, and her father summoned a doctor. 

While waiting for the doctor’s arrival, her father demanded Juliabella tell him what had happened. She explained that she had lost most of her memory of the events because of some drug the Xiepvuians had given her. After relating what she could remember, she suggested her father question Count Talrederick because he was the one who had saved her.

“Then, I am twice beholden to him. Once for saving the city and once for saving you. I will go try to find him at once before his ranks depart,” he said, extremely dismayed about the things his daughter had remembered.

“Please, pass my thanks on to him again, and let him know he is always welcome here.” Juliabella said before her father left the room. Seeing her family alive and well had done much for her spirits if not for her broken body.

* * * * * *

As Count Talrederick was inspecting some troops on the ramparts of the Sintlycia Falls citadel, the Captain passed by and upon seeing him engaged him in conversation. 

“I have been besieged with orders since I arrived here, but I have been looking for you. My daughter has told me quite the story about your bravery and strength, yesterday.”

The Count’s face grew red. Juliabella had no real reason to think such things about him. He had wanted to tell her the truth about what had happened, but when it came to the brief period of time where he could have done it, he had cowered at the thought. 

“I was just waiting for a moment when I can take a break and inquire about her health at your house,” Talrederick replied. He had hoped if he went to her home, he could try to find some time alone with her to explain.  

“Please do come over for dinner tonight. I am hoping you can fill in the blanks of my daughter’s memory.”

Again, the Count blushed, but before the Captain could question him any further, he was called away to deal with some questions as to where to move the rubble. 

The Captain soon sent him word that dinner would have to be postponed due to the extent of his duties. By that time, Talrederick also realized he would need to decline the invitation because of obligations and explained that in his response. The Captain extended the invitation to the following day, which Talrederick gladly accepted, pending no further responsibilities would prevent it. 

The full book is available for sale HERE or check back tomorrow for the next chapter.

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