Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Viscount of La Soutain (13)


Samh 9.14.1342 22:00

Viscount Elwynalam’s sharp retort did more than he promised, and they were unbothered for the rest of the evening. He parted from Abaledina with a friendly grasp of the hand, after she willingly gave permission for him to become a regular, welcome visitor. 

Upon retiring to the shared parlor immediately afterward, Abaledina was conscious of an unusual feeling of pleasure, which she correctly attributed to spending such a wonderful evening in such good company. With all her wealth and beauty, Abaledina was neither proud nor vain and did not for a moment suppose that Lord Elwynalam had after only two meetings fallen in love with her. She even did not presume that he intended to do so at some point in the future. In fact, her humble opinion of herself only allowed her to know she had been very happy with him, and she supposed he had also enjoyed her company because he had sought out no one else for company. 

“Is he not splendid?" exclaimed Jeanilotta, as she brushed into the parlor with a flushed cheek and flashing eye. “I acknowledge it frankly: I would adore such a man for my husband. Now, tell me your opinion."

 “I can hardly form one on such a slight acquaintance," replied Abaledina, quietly, “But I think he possesses a noble soul." 

“Did he tell you when he was coming back to see us?” 

“He asked me if it would be okay for him to return without making a formal date. I told him that would be fine, but isn’t it wiser for us, to think little about him? In but a few weeks you and Theodomani will be united, and I—I—” here she hesitated and blushed deeply.

“Speak for yourself. Unlike you, I have not been pledged from childhood to a man, and I did not give that pledge on my father’s dying breath. I have no honor oath binding me to Theodomani. I merely accepted his proposal two years ago, and surely that cannot bind me to him like your oath binds you to my brother. Who is to say what might happen in the next few weeks?” 

With that, Jeanilotta pranced into her bathroom, leaving Abaledina staring after her perplexed. In her mind, forming an attachment that was based on love as an adult had much more weight than an attachment forced upon you as a child. 

The full ebook is available HERE or check back tomorrow for the next chapter.

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