Samh 08.21.1339 21:48
Baron Valanthus ate dinner with Amoranda and afterward retired to his room to prepare. He sighed as he looked at the beard in the mirror. This would be so much easier without it.
When the appointed time neared, he grabbed two of the canes he had and went to find Amoranda. She was in the parlor with the real Pethany and the taller and stronger version. Both servant and mock-servant wore a white turtleneck covered by a black tailcoat with long tails and a short cutaway front held together by one button at the breast. The tight black cargo pants and military boots completed the look.
“I knew I was forgetting something,” Valanthus said looking at the dirty blonde ponytail wig that matched Pethany’s hairstyle.
“You have a scarf. If it can hide your beard, it certainly can hide your hair,” Amoranda giggled infectiously.
Although he was glad he could bring her some joy at a time like this, he silently vowed to choose a mustache if he every had to masquerade again.
“This is Henlow,” she said once she stopped laughing.
After exchanging a handshake with the servant, they took their places in the greenhouse. He handed Henlow one of the canes. He wished he could have a sonicpistol but did not want to blow out the glass. Soon, they saw the two brazen rogues walking rapidly toward them across the lawn.
Mr. Galeid ran to Valunthus-as-Silvergor-dressed-as-Amoranda and caught her in his arms.
“Make no resistance, Madam,” he cried. “You must come along with me quickly.”
Mr. Froch did the same thing to Henlow-as-Pethany. When the kidnappers pulled an ethered rag out of a bag to gag and incapacitate them, the two presumed ladies grabbed their cudgels and took the thick balled ends to the rogues’ heads.
Although the initial hit dazed the would-be-kidnappers, they quickly realized the victims did not plan to stop beating them, so they reached in their belts for their tacticalazers. Valanthus struck Mr. Galeid’s out of his hand before he could aim, and Henlow tripped Froch with a leg swipe before he could draw his. All this while, both masqueraders laid into the scoundrels so unmercifully that Galeid and Froch began to beg for mercy.
At that point, Amoranda and a crew of servants with lights came across the lawn to see what the commotion was. It was almost too much for Mr. Galeid when he saw her and Pethany. He could hardly believe his almost swollen shut eyes. He looked first at the real lady and then at the feigned one.
“Froch, you villain. you have betrayed me!”
“If I have,” Froch said from where he lay on the ground, “I am certainly not getting a reward for it. I believe I will never stir either hand or foot again.”
“Well, gentleman,” Amoranda said, “have the actors come? When does the dance begin?”
“It is over, Madam,” Valanthus said, “These gentlemen have been dancing playfully with us while we beat their drums to a sorrowful new tune.”
“Why, what is the matter?” she asked. “I hope you have not hurt them in your play.”
“Not at all, madam,” said Valanthus. “Henlow and I decided to sit here this evening in drag, and these two beaus had a mind to ravish us. They tried to gag us with ether.”
“I am sorry that I was forced to use my cudgel upon you,” Valanthus said sarcastically to Galeid. “I hope you will excuse it. If I had been in a different dress, I would have used a better weapon.”
“I think,” Amoranda said, “he did not follow rules of knighthood with you because I see he drew his sword, even though he took you for a woman.”
“Yes,” Galeid said choking with rage, despair, and disappointment, “I took him for you, and I would have had a glorious revenge for your flirting if it had been you. Death and fury, at least I have been given some satisfaction telling you how I would have used you had fortune been so kind as to have put you in my power. Know then, proud beauty, I would—"
“I know already,” Amoranda said interrupting him, “as much of your designs as you can tell me. But gentlemen if you do not end up in prison, let me know, and I will make a better provision for you. I have an uncle going to Xiepvu who needs some slaves. I believe at my request, he would take you into his service. In the meantime, sit there until the authorities arrive.”
“I hope,” Froch said, his tongue being the only part he could move without pain, “you have more hospitality in you that to turn us over to them in this condition. You should have called for a surgeon to set our dislocated joints in order and wrap up our wounds. I don’t believe I shall live through the week.”
“That would be a great pity.” Amoranda said sarcastically. “The world would have a sad loss of so worthy a man.”
Upon which she and her retinue went back into her home, leaving the two battered beaus on the lawn. Valanthus, Henlow, and four other servants watched them while they waited for the authorities.
“Froch, you traitor, why did you tell them our plans!” Galeid grumbled.
“I am innocent. Do you think I would be in such a condition if I had ratted us out?”
“Liar!” Galeid said, drawing a throwing star from his boot. As soon as Froch saw Galeid go for his boot, he pulled out a poisonneedle and lofted it toward him. The star and needle crossed in midair before hitting their targets. Valanthus and the others stood in shock as the two men fell over dead. It had happened so quickly and so unexpectedly none could stop it.
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