Thursday, February 6, 2025

The Baron of Latiz (8)


Samh 08.20.1339 20:14

“I beg your pardon!” she said. Deep down she was honored the old man wanted to fight for her even though they had just met. “What can your feeble arm do with the robust rascals? They will make no more of you than they would have made of me. And I think I don’t want them to get away without a good thrashing.”

“Fear not,” Silvergor said, “my arms can still do wonders for so good a cause. A vindication of your honor fills my veins with young blood that glows to revenge your wrongs.” 

“What of your long, gray beard? Will you shave it to play my part? The darkness will only hide so much,” she hitched one eyebrow up. Half of her wished he would shave the thing. It looked like someone had hung a matted Pekingese off his chin.

“Ah, I will tuck most of it in and wear a scarf around my head.”

“Well,” Amoranda said, “I find I have the remains of a brave man to play my part. If you have so great a mind to show your prowess, I won’t stop you. If they happen to get the best of you, though, we will reverse the ancient custom. Instead of you delivering the distressed damsel, I shall come to rescue you.” 

“And have you any military training, Madam?” 

“Alas, I was never instructed in defense, but I think I can point a sonicpistol at them and at least hold them at bay while you tie them up.”

This made Silvergor very merry in spite of all his gravity, and that pleased her. Since it was bedtime, she had her servants conduct him to his room, and she ordered them to treat him with great respect. 

Before falling asleep, she decided having a guardian nearby would be a pleasant experience even if it meant giving up a little of her freedom.

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