Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Studied Financier (2)


Now, I would like to say that we have never had to deal with a dead body on the Ritzavoy IX before, but ever since my dad bought this cruiseshuttle so I could have steak on my birthday when the former maître d'hôtel was being a sprynk about it, strange things have happened here. Feliste had tried to warn us when finalizing the papers for it. When we actually became involved in solving the murder, he had been aghast. Apparently, in all his decades of running the luxury cruiseshuttle, he had simply looked the other way and let it work itself out!

Pops and I had never been on a luxury cruiseshuttle before we bought this one, so we never imagined in the midst of all the pleasant odors, sparkling fountains, and thick Xiepvuian rugs, there would be ominous undercurrents. The selling characteristic of the Ritzavoy XI was an atmosphere of serenity and repose. 

Granted, it was not as if I felt unprepared to deal with the situation simply because I never had to work for a single thing in all my life. I was the head of my father’s provincial military, and he had given me some of his mines to manage. The problem with being the head of the military anywhere in Upsilon Andromedae system, was that there had never been any wars. We really had never needed a military, but the system of government was set up by those who sent us here from Earth. It had worked so far, and no one really cared to change it. 

“Did you hear me? I would like a different room!” 

“Yes, ma’am, of course,” I saw that one of our smallest state suites was available, so I quickly put her there. Going up from a mid-level cabin to the top floor was a sure way to ease her rightful indignation. “Here you are, cabin 1870. 

“But we’re—”

“No additional charge,” I smiled. She walked off as if in a dream. 

“Berdelia, I’ve got to deal with a dead body in—” I glanced at the keycard, “cabin 14105. If anything else comes up, message me—not my father.”

“Of course, ma’am,” the typist barely looked up from her work. I vaguely wondered if I would ever get that used to having dead bodies show up on this ship. 

I hurried to the Gendarmerie Department at the bow-end of the deck, glad my father’s back was turned to Reception. I was trying not to move too quickly, but I must admit I was getting a little excited about being able to potentially work on another case. 

“Detective,” I said as I burst through the door, “there’s another body that was just found in 14105!” 

The detective left his feet propped on his desk, but slowly set down the com-tab. 

“I was wondering when you or Mr. Thomatian would show up.”

“Pops is doing intake. You already knew about the body?”

Detective Zimslow Marshaggins chuckled. 

“No. But I knew today’s the first day on a new planet.”

“Does this happen every time you get to a new port?” 

This drew chuckles from some of the other gendarmes. 

“Not always murder, but if something is going to happen, its usually the first day. C’mon men, let’s look lively now. You know the routine.” The detective took his feet off the desk, and everyone started moving at one. 

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The Studied Financier (9)

 9 “Well, for me it’s the little contradictions. For example, here’s a man wears expensive gold-rimmed pince-nez and has had them long enoug...