Samh 10.20.1339 16:06
“Please show them in,” Amoranda replied.
She was surprised to see two ladies entering, one of whom, Tinsarentia, was a childhood friend but the other lady was a stranger. However, since the stranger appeared with one so dear, both were equally welcomed.
Since they arrived a little before dinner, Amoranda invited them to dine with them after they exchanged introductions, and Tinsarentia explained she was in need of a vacation but did not want to travel alone. Both ladies readily accepted, and everyone followed Silvergor into the dining room.
“Is he a relation?” Tinsarentia whispered.
“He is much better than a relation, he’s a friend. My uncle has committed me to his care,” she replied.
As soon as dinner was over, Silvergor retired and left the four ladies to themselves.
“How long has he been with you?” Tinsarentia asked when he had gone.
“About seven months. Even if he were not so very wise, he would be a good companion. The truth is he has saved both me and Katamitoria on several occasions.”
“Madam,” said Biranta, the stranger, in her deep voice, “if we young people gave in to all the whims of the old, we would be old before we had lived out half our days. I hope we shall not have too much of his company. There is nothing I hate more than an old man!”
“Oh, you will like him better when you are acquainted with him,” Katamitoria said. “Although I also doubted him initially, I have found him to be a very agreeable companion. For all his age, Silvergor is very nimble in his conversation. In fact, I would rather be talking to him most times than to men of our own ages.”
This tribute raised a blush in Biranta's cheeks, which Amoranda noticed, and laughing she said, “If you had not just now declared your aversion to old men, I would be half afraid you had a mind to rob me of my guardian.
They spoke a little longer on other subjects until it grew late, and Amoranda invited them to stay the night, which, of course, they accepted. Then, she had the maids lead the visitors to their own rooms.
The full book is available for sale HERE.
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