Samh 9.30.1339 17:04
“The next day, as you might expect, I dressed in my best clothing and awaited Kieron and the justice of the peace so we could be married. However, when Kieron finally came, he did not have a justice of the peace with him. He gave me a paper, but when I read it, it was not a marriage license. Instead, it was a contract promising to marry me or give my ten hundred-thousand-notes instead.”
Here Katamitoria, paused with a forlorn face and shook her head sadly.
“I have to admit,” she continued, “that I was satisfied with that contract even though it was neither the marriage nor the license that I had been expecting. By him giving it to me and having Cook and her husband witness it, I felt like it was just as official as a license. I did ask him why he used this formality when he could have just married me, and I asked him if he had a guardian to prevent him from marrying whoever he wanted whenever he wanted.
“He told me he would only answer me alone, so I took the contract up to my room, hid it first in a locked silver chest and then I put the chest my writing desk in a locked drawer. When I came back downstairs, we were alone so I asked him to tell me his secret.
“He began by telling me he now saw me in his conscience as his wife despite not performing any of the legal requirements for it to be so. Here, he began one of the biggest lies he told me. He said that about nine months ago he courted a lady. However, about a month before the wedding she jilted him and was to be married to this man in one week’s time. He explained that if we got married before her, then he would forfeit most of his estate by the terms of the contract because it would look like he was the one who had cheated. He concluded by telling me that he would deny himself the pleasure of marrying me for a few days rather than undergo the scandal of marrying first.
“I know—I have no idea why I believed this blatant lie at the time, but the only excuse I have for myself is that I wanted it to be true. Since he told me it was a secret, I did not share it with Cook, who I am certain would have guessed its true merit. He went home shortly after his storytelling, but came again early in the morning since he lived only a few miles away from Cook’s house.
“Every time he came, he grew more familiar with me. I must confess, I enjoyed the attention. I hadn’t been around many men before and Kieron looked young enough that it did not bother me like the advances of my guardian, who was four times my age had. I quieted any discomfort by reminding myself that the contract I had locked away was as good as a marriage license. I thought I was secure. My fear and caution left me. I had only wanted to please him at this point because I saw the contract as him doing what I had asked to please me.
“Three or four days after he had given me the contract, he came and told me it was time to see the house we would be sharing. He wanted me to come with him so I could adjust the decorating if I so desired.
“Cook was unwilling to let me go with him but was also unable to persuade me from it. Her husband, who was a good friend of Kieron’s brushed her fears away and encouraged her silence on the matter.
“When I arrived, I thought myself at home. I was pleased to think how soon I could let my guardian know of the marriage I had made and finally receive my inheritance without worrying about being forced to be his bride. Instead, my doom was near.
“When we were at lunch, a message came and he let me read it. It explained that the lady was married, and he told me we would get married on the next day. As soon as lunch was over, he sent for a marriage license and showed it to me.
“Night came, he told me I should never leave the house again since it was almost my own. He promised me that I would have a room to myself and my maid could remain with me. Since we were to be wed in the morning, he explained it did not make sense to take me back to Cook for a few short hours. I am sad to admit that I quickly agreed. As you might expect, my maid left my side in the middle of the night, and he took what he wanted.
“When we were at breakfast, Kieron told me it would be more appropriate to be married at Cook’s house than his. I was dazed but agreed. He packed me and my maid into his landcraft and sent me to Cook’s house, promising to meet me there with the justice of the peace in about an hour.
“As soon my maid and I got out of the landcraft at Cook’s house, my maid told me she had just gotten a message from her mother, who was not well. She begged me to release her so she could go home to take care of her. She promised she would return upon her mother’s recovery, but told me to find someone else as soon as I needed.
“I told her she could take a full month before I would look for anyone. The jade thanked me and went away. It did not dawn on me until later that she had taken all her bags to Colonel Kieron’s the day before and did not go into Cook’s house for any remaining items. Instead, she stepped back into Kieron’s landcraft.
“Inside, I was alone with honest Cook. The first thing she asked me was if I had married without inviting her? I told her no, but that I was very near it and that Kieron was currently getting the justice of the peace to bring him here for the wedding. She shook her head and said, ‘Oh, you poor duped girl. This morning, Kieron is going to Gwarewhea.’
“When I asked how she knew, she said she had gotten worried about me last night and went to his estate. Although she was denied entry, the servant told her I would be back soon enough because Colonel Kieron was to Gwarewhea early today.
“It was, at that moment, as if my eyes were finally opened. I sent a quick message to him, hoping against all hope Cook had misheard, asking at what time he wanted us to have the wedding dinner ready. His response was devastating:
An unlucky accident has forced me away to Gwarewhea. It is so very sudden that I do not have time to excuse my going. I hope at my return I shall find you where I left you, and you shall find me.
Your most obedient,
Colonel Kieron
As soon as I read this message, I sank into a chair and began weeping. Cook saw the com-tab slack in my hand and guessed there had been no mistake. I thought he loved me and truly wanted to marry me. Part of me saw my marriage to him as a way to permanently avoid my guardian’s advances without having to continue hiding.
“Cook helped me to my bed where I lay for some days in a most miserable condition. Even then, I had hope that the contract would either eventually force his hand to marry me or give me a source of income apart from my inheritance and perhaps allow me to establish myself without it. With this little satisfaction, I got up and went to the fold out writing desk to take it out and look at the only hope I had left. Imagine my surprise, confusion, and despair when I could not find the paper or the silver box! Both were gone together.
“I called Cook with a feeble voice who came to me to hear my new misery. As soon as I told her the silver box with the contract was missing, she gasped. She had seen my maid put one in her pocket the day we left for Kieron’s. She said she had asked what she was doing with it, but the wench told her I kept my makeup inside it and she was brining it to me.
“I could do nothing but hope that two-faced sprynk met with a just reward for her treachery. I sunk past all hope of ever being independent of my guardian. It was several weeks before I regained my reason. Until then, I lay like a stupid log taking what sustenance Cook brought me unaware of anything but my grief.
“At last, by degrees I recovered my senses but was I was infinitely less happy. When I looked in the mirror, I could not believe I was Katamitoria. After four months, I heard Kieron had returned from Gwarewhea. I immediately sent him a message the most supplicating terms asking if he was ready to wed, but he did not send me an answer. I wrote again and discovered he had blocked me. I had once a mind to go to his home, but I thought his behavior would be the same toward me in person as it had been to my messages. I would only expose desperation and give me something more to cry over.
“It was then I discovered he had moved from me to the rich, young, beauteous Amoranda. I admit your beauty and fortune are far better than mine, but a player like Kieron has no true value for a woman’s good qualities. The only thing any woman can do to please him is to give into all his brutal pleasures.
“I was sure you would shun such a man. But when I discovered that you seemingly were as deceived as I had been, I admit, I wrote a message to you and sent it so it could not be traced to let you know Kieron’s real personality.
“At this point, I hope I have engaged your justice, goodness, and pity, and that you will no longer encourage him but receive them in the same way you would receive the same from a married man. The only hope I have is that after all other women deny him audience, he may return to me and finish the promise he made. With the contract gone, I have no means of recovering any money, and after seeing the way my guardian and Kieron deal with women, I have no desire to try my luck at another relationship.”